Sunday, February 27, 2011

A Triumphant Spirit Is Within You...

I'd like to share something with you today to lift your spirit and help in putting a new perspective in place for those who are looking to rise above their current situations and circumstances.  Its an affirmation which can change your outlook and provide the motivation you may be needing at this time in your life.

The new science of brain neuroplasticity has shown that our brains are constantly rewiring themselves all through our lives, and according to the latest research from the scientists at NASA, if we persist with a new thought for 21 - 42 days, the new thoughts will become hardwired in our brains. When that happens, we experience what's referred to as a "paradigm (pronounced "para-dime") shift", where the world we see actually appears different to us.  If you're trying to change your experience of the world, this paradigm shift is very desirable, and repeating this affirmation can do this for you if repeated daily with consistency until the shift takes place.

The affirmation is -

"I have a triumphant spirit within me, that lifts me out of lack and assures me of abundant supply for my every need."
Start repeating this phrase to yourself out loud every morning and evening for the next few weeks with feeling, and watch what happens. Make a commitment now to try this new thought on for the next 21 days and see if you don't like the way you begin to feel on the inside and the way the world begins to look on the outside.

If you're like most people, you're going to like how you start to feel and the things that you find yourself experiencing during those first 21 days so much, you'll commit to saying it for another 21 days just to make sure it's really wired in, and then you'll be sure to make it a regular part of your daily ritual after that...!

Try it for the first 21 days, then let me know what kind of results you've been getting. I'm looking forward to hearing of the changes, the results, and the improvements that occur for you in your life once this new belief begins to take root and begins producing the changes that it has the power to produce from deep within you.

Until next time, remember - You Have A Triumphant Spirit Within You...!

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